Untitled Jurassic World Movie
The seventh installment in the Jurassic franchise, to be set in a new era with an all-new storyline. Premise TBA.
Read moreThe seventh installment in the Jurassic franchise, to be set in a new era with an all-new storyline. Premise TBA.
Read moreThe star of the upcoming fourth 'Jurassic World' entry was surprised with a video featuring none other than Dr. Ian Malcolm while appearing on NBC's 'Today.'
The actress will lead the Gareth Edwards-directed fourth installment of 'Jurassic World.'
Universal’s latest franchise installment already has Scarlett Johansson, Mahershala Ali, Jonathan Bailey, Manuel Garcia-Rulfo, Rupert Friend and Luna Blaise on board ahead of its July 2025 theatrical release.
The two-time Oscar winner will join Scarlett Johansson in the latest installment of the dino-mighty Universal movie franchise.
Gareth Edwards is directing the latest installment of the dino-mighty Universal movie franchise.
The actor is in early talks to join Scarlett Johansson in the Universal film.
It's been a couple of years since she was in a big franchise movie, so let's see her fight some dinosaurs
Rogue One director Gareth Edwards will put his Godzilla training to good use in the next Jurassic World